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With the unveiling of the first Budget by a NSW Labor Government in 12 years, I—like many others in Western Sydney’s community sector—watched with interest for signs that the new government was committed to taking the bold steps needed to address the challenges facing the region. However, what I witnessed this week was a budget that did not step up to those challenges.
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The escalation of violent conflict in Israel and Gaza is being felt by communities in Western Sydney, and it may be affecting your staff or the people you work with. Multicultural NSW has developed a list of support services available for people who may be impacted at this time.
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With the unveiling of the first Budget by a NSW Labor Government in 12 years, I—like many others in Western Sydney’s community sector—watched with interest for signs that the new government was committed to taking the bold steps needed to address the challenges facing the region. However, what I witnessed this week was a budget that did not step up to those challenges.
Change ReadinessCommunity DevelopmentEventsGovernanceGovernanceInfrastructureLatest NewsMedia ReleaseTransportYouth
Since the budget announcement on Tuesday night, I have been reflecting on what all this means for the community and human services industry, and more importantly for the people of Western Sydney that we support. On budget night, I saw a shift in the national narrative with the Government’s approach to people experiencing vulnerabilities. I saw a shift in how income support and rental assistance was viewed, that it is a security safety net for times when people are in need and at times of crisis.
Economies thrive when communities do equity and the NSW State Budget 2020-21
Change ReadinessCommunity DevelopmentEventsGovernanceGovernanceInfrastructureLatest NewsMedia ReleaseTransportYouth
As I tuned into the NSW Government’s Budget 2020-21 announcement on Tuesday, I couldn’t help but hold a level of anticipation. Amid recent announcements that Australia is facing a recession, I needed to know as I scanned the influx of media announcements – was Western Sydney going to be a ‘winner’ in this year’s budget?
A guy holding a boomerang looking at smoke with people watching
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Western Sydney Community Forum welcomes a recent Mayoral Minute adopted by Council as a measure towards reconciliation for communities in Western Sydney. Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne of The Hills Shire Council made a significant motion regarding reconciliation in the region. The Mayoral minute was unanimously endorsed by Council where an invitation will be extended to local Aboriginal Elders to meet with Council, and an Acknowledgement to Country will be included in Citizenship Ceremonies and at major community events.
When you notice a change, no matter how small, RU OK ? DAY banner with a guy looking at another sad looking guy with empathy on the left side
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Held annually, this national day is committed to starting conversations surrounding mental health, acting as a catalyst for community connection and support. This day advocates for not just a onetime check in to ask “RUOK?” but asks of us to collectively support others regularly each day of the year, especially those who may be struggling with the ups and downs of life.
What difference will you make as a leader
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The Generation Community program has had an outstanding effect on young leaders who had partaken in it. Western Sydney Community Forum is serious about service delivery and contributes by organising courses which help leaders of our community facilitate a better understanding of their visions.
Book with title of 'Why you need affordable translations' stacked on its sides along with other books
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Kamusta! Hola! Marhaba! How many languages are spoken in your local government area, organisation or amongst the people you serve? What steps are you taking to connect with them in their native tongue? Who can help you connect? There is one simple answer, translation services! Western Sydney Community Forum (WSCF) offers quality document translations services to all organisations, charities and businesses ranging from small to large enterprises.



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