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CC NewsDigest 2024
Shravan Guntuku
Camille Derriman
Camille Sahid-Flick
Content & Design

Welcome to our June edition of the Community Care News Digest! In the last edition of the News Digest for this financial year, you will read about all the latest updates, information, resources and events that are happening across the region.

We held our annual ZEST Awards last month, attracting over 500 guests from predominantly community organisations, but also across government and business sectors. We are now asking for stories from winners and nominees about how the ZEST experience has shaped their organisations. See below for the link to contribute your story.

Transport For NSW and Everywhen are seeking local Aboriginal community feedback on their WS Local Aboriginal Participation Strategy for the Western Sydney Infrastructure Program of Works. See in this edition for more information. Blue Mountains City Council have also developed a mobility map to ensure that people with disability spending time in the Blue Mountains LGA are able to navigate the terrain and amenities.

In regards to the continuing aged care reforms, the recording for the provider regulation webinar held on is now available for viewing. And changes to 24/7 registered nurse reporting will be put in place from 1 July. More information on both can be found in this edition.

For details on these stories and more, please follow the News Digest link below. Also, remember to check in with us on social media and connect with us on LinkedIn.

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