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Western Sydney City Deals Commit to the Future of Western Sydney

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Signed on the 4th of March 2018, Federal, State and eight Local governments have committed towards the future of Western Sydney.

The Western Sydney City Deals are a 20-year deal supporting the development of the Western Parkland City (plans via the Greater Sydney Commission). Starting with where the new Badgerys Creek Airport and Aerotropolis, the Western Parkland City covers Liverpool, Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Penrith and Wollondilly. The Deal so far has ensured a North South Rail link, which aims to connect Campbelltown/Macarthur to Schofields, with stage one focusing on North Bringelly to St Marys. This Rail Link will ensure the new Western Sydney Airport will have rail access by its completion and establish the 30-minute city.

The Deal involves two major federal and state plans: The Smart Cities Plan and the Greater Sydney Commission Western City District Plan. The Smart Cities Plan harnesses the three levels of government, community and private enterprise to generate opportunity towards three themes: smart investments, smart policies and smart technologies.

The Greater Sydney Commission Western Sydney District Plan outlines infrastructure, productivity, liveability and sustainability goals at a local level for the next 20 – 40 years. These two plans are built into the Western Sydney City Deals, to create increased cohesion between Federal, State and Local Plans.

WSCF CEO Billie Sankovic states, “The Western Sydney City Deal is the platform that we needed to sustain and grow the social, economic and environmental health of the region. It is very encouraging that all levels of government, for the first time, are at same the table and have committed to the Deal. 

The Deal’s firm investment in expanding public transport via the north south rail link is crucial and will significantly improve access for the communities of Western Sydney.  We are pleased that our work on the stakeholder group that reviewed the rail options and made recommendations has come to fruition.

We now eagerly await further details on the Deal’s implementation plan. Specifically, how it will foster and strengthen community health and wellbeing beyond road and rail commitments, and include investment in education, employment, affordable housing targets, and social infrastructure and services.  All of which are also vital to a liveable, productive and sustainable region.”

A number of commitments are encapsulated within the Western Sydney City Deals which look towards a more connected city, a commitment towards 200,000 new jobs and the support for education and training for those jobs, support for local character, wellbeing and belonging, housing packages and a built-in monitoring and evaluation mechanism.

The Federal Government’s proposed timeframe is illustrated here:

city deals pic 1

To read more about the Western Sydney City Deals Please Click here

To view the Federal Government City Deals Website Please Click Here 

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