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Frank Lin
The Moon is a Beautiful Beast

FrankLin Codebreakers Submission 3.2
FrankLin Codebreakers Submission 3.1

“The Moon is a Beautiful Beast” (Frank Lin) is worship to the night, where outcasts and deviants can explore themselves without judgement. In church, I related more to fallen angels and devils than I did with anything else because I felt like I was a sinner or a failing Christian. I was particularly isolated as someone who was gay (closeted) and non-binary, though I didn’t realize it at the time. The night provided me a place to forget about my faith and to explore who I was outside of judgement.

This artwork depicts the church stealing the moon, a companion to my explorations, because their judgement was what harmed me the most. So, I want to worship the moon, “a Beautiful Beast,” so that it can rival the judgement of the sun.

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