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Research interview: Quality Indicators

Researchers at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation in Macquarie University are conducting confidential online interviews to gather information on quality indicators in residential aged care. These interviews will take 30-45 minutes and will provide researchers with information on how aged care systems utilise quality indicators to monitor quality and drive improvements. Participants will be able to share their views on the value and effectiveness of the indicators and be able to suggest recommendations for the future. 

Register to participate

Advance Care Planning Resources

Advance Care Planning Australia has partnered with Yarno to develop free online resources to support health practitioners, care workers and students in learning more about advance care planning. This resource contains sets of questions called campaigns; the first of which is “what is advance care planning?”, with more campaigns to come.

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NSW Police Senior Safety Resources

NSW Police has developed a webpage with resources on senior safety. These include flyers on how to stay safe, and guides containing information on what to do in the event of an emergency as well as other safety tips. The webpage also has factsheets in different languages on elder and disability abuse, and a next of kin program form that people living alone can use to ensure the details of their nominated person are recorded at a local police station.

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Dementia Australia Community Education Toolkit

Dementia Australia has developed a free, interactive video toolkit for community groups and organisations to expand their knowledge about brain health and dementia. Viewers can click different options to choose what happens next, and there is an option to host a community group session with the toolkit. Dementia Australia also has a suite of support services and tools to further support the community.

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Live Well Healthy Ageing Program

South Western Sydney Local Health District’s Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) services have developed a healthy ageing program to improve the health and wellbeing of older Australians through small and sustainable changes. This resource can be used between older Australians and their healthcare providers, to develop a program to make lifestyle changes based on identified need and priority, and will help to build better habits in areas such as staying physically active, healthy eating, staying connected, keeping the brain active, and positive and relaxed thinking and mindset. There are also templates for keeping goals and routines, as well as general health tips and other information in different languages.

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WSCF Community Care News Digest Feedback Survey

The News Digest is primarily focused on disseminating information about aged care and older people. It also shares information that is useful to people working with people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, LGBTIQA+ communities, and other areas that may intersect with aged care and the older population. We would love to know how you use the News Digest, whether the information distributed has been valuable for your work, and if there is anything else you would like to see added into the Digest. The survey will remain open for ongoing feedback.

Access the survey

WSCF Affordable Translation Services

Western Sydney Community Forum offers a trusted document translation service for small and large organisations and businesses. We use NAATI-accredited translators with expertise in translating a range of documents to assist with your service delivery, from simple brochures to complex and sensitive publications. Members can access this service at a subsidised cost.

For more information, contact [email protected].

My Aged Care consumer resources

The My Aged Care website features a range of resources for you to share with consumers about how to get started with My Aged Care.

These resources include new case study videos for:

  • people who speak other languages
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • You can view or download all of these resources from the My Aged Care website.

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Free guide: Adding value to governance in aged care

The Governance Institute of Australia has refreshed their free guide, ‘Adding value to governance in aged care’ to help providers manage their governance responsibilities.

The free guide addresses a broad range of issues including:

  • the role of governance and a director
  • the unique challenges facing the sector
  • factors to consider before taking a board position
  • issues the board should consider when appointing a new member
  • the relationship between the board and management
  • risk management
  • interaction with stakeholders.

Download the Guide

WSCF Further Services
Did you know that WSCF can provide your organisation with a range of subsidised needs-based and customisable training and facilitation opportunities? Read below to find out more.
WSCF members are entitled to subsidised services.
Aged Care Services Workforce Hub

The Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) has an Aged Care Services Workforce Hub for aged care organisations or service providers, or job seekers looking for employment opportunities in the sector. This hub aims to help organisations with recruitment, retention, and ongoing development of the sector’s workforce. It combines current available programs, professional development opportunities, and more. For further questions or information, email [email protected] .

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