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Catalyst West – Dynamic Discussion around western Sydney’s flourishing future

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WSCF CEO Billie Sankovic was a panellist at Catalyst West this week, in a collaborative event which brought together  350 representatives from government, industry and the community in discussions that focused on the region’s future over the next 20 years. Delivered by Western Sydney University and event sponsors, the collaborative forum opened the floor to a number of distinguished speakers, thinkers and innovators – including Dr Andy Marks, Western Sydney University Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Projects), David Pring (KPMG) Managing Director, Western Sydney, Elizabeth Ann Macgregor OBE, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Professor James Arvanitakis, Western Sydney University, Dean, Graduate Research School, Anna Ashenden, Social Justice and Community Engagement Manager, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Murray Bell, Founder and Director of Semi-Permanent, Wesley Enoch, Director,  Sydney Festival and Western Sydney University The Academy students, to name just some. The full program and list of featured panellists is available at the Western Sydney University Catalyst West page.

The event included targeted Hacks – including the Resilience Hack attended by WSCF CEO Bille Sankovic – in which delegates worked in groups to identify a topic-specific problem and devise a pitch, delivered in 2 minutes to the room. Sessions included Health, Resilience, Work and Transport. The collaborative nature of these sessions placed delegates in random combinations which elicited some powerful, intriguing and inventive angles for forward-visioning the potential in the greater West. Throughout the day, artists created live responses to the sessions; drawings emerged onscreen as discussion unfolded. The event was sold-out, with a discernable buzz between attendees, connecting during the sessions and the breaks. The Catalyst West event app was also well received, with features that promoted connectivity and accessibility.

For more information on the event, see the Western Sydney University News page.


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